“Violence against women is a systemic worldwide issue that starts from the womb and carries on to the tomb.”





The data shows


are the most persistently targeted group.


 Welcome to

Power For Women

Self Defence 

Women’s Empowerment Self Defence.

For the exact scenarios women face in today's world.

Keep safe commuting, at work, at home or on holiday, indoors or outside.


Read on to uncover how our services can strengthen your company reputation and protect your most valuable assets.



Cost to the U.K. economy every year, including absenteeism, loss of productivity, court costs etc.

 X £66 billion

Decreased cost of productivity directly caused by violence against women and girls in the U.K.

 X £14 billion

Personal financial losses for the individuals (lost income, medical costs, legal costs etc.).

 X £47 billion

(sources: Home Office estimates, UN Women and various university studies)

The majority of attacks are on women of working ages.



Women aged 15-49 are particularly vulnerable to violence.”  UN Women. (2020). Facts and Figures: Ending Violence against Women.


Even when incidents occur outside the workplace the repercussions travel deeply through the organisation.


"Women aged 16-59 are at the highest risk... in domestic and public settings."  British Home Office data. (2016). Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.


Our brand new courses are based on research and studies, teaching only what women need.  





Enhanced Employee Well-being. ✔︎

Self-defence training can improve employees' mental and physical health, leading to higher morale and job satisfaction, and ultimately, greater overall productivity over the lifespan of their career.

  •  Source: Hollander, J.A. (2004)


Better Overall Long-term Performance. ✔︎


Confidence gained through self-defence training can be transformative. Employees are likely to take on more challenging tasks, demonstrate leadership, and seize career advancement opportunities.

  •  Source: UN Women. UK Gov. 

Enhanced Reputation✔︎

By demonstrating an enhanced commitment to employee safety, companies can significantly strengthen their reputation.

This can foster loyalty among existing staff, as well as attract new top talent, by clearly demonstrating how the company prioritises the well-being of its workforce.

  •  Source: UN Women. UK Gov. 



Numerous sources and studies say self-defence training could offer significant benefits to the company and their employees.

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Enhanced Performance and Economic Independence.✔︎ 

Employees who feel safe and empowered are more likely to maintain clarity and focus, resulting in higher levels of productivity and a greater likelihood of remaining with their employer for the long term, contributing to their own career growth.
    •  Source:  Hollander, J.A. (2004) 

Reduced Stress.✔︎

Self-defence training can improve employees' mental and physical health, leading to higher morale, reduced workplace stress levels and help maintain consistent attendance.
  •  Source: UN Women. UK Gov. 






Improved Self Belief and Personal Empowerment.✔︎

 The knowledge that one can protect themselves brings about a greater sense of freedom and self belief.

  •  Senn, C.Y., et al. (2015).


Basic Self Defence Knowledge Works In So Many Ways! 


Significantly less sexual and physical assaults over the long term.

Assaults were significantly shortened, escape times were quicker and injury levels lower.

Returned to fulfilling lives in a shorter time than those who had not taken self defence.

  • Senn, C.Y., et al. (2015). Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Program for University Women. New England Journal of Medicine. A longitudinal study (Data collated over four years). 


Those who take self defence are less likely to become victims of assault,

and those who unfortunately did suffer attacks, they returned to active lives sooner than those who had not taken self defence lessons.

  • Hollander, J. A. (2018). Empowerment self-defense. In L. M. Orchowski & C. A. Gidycz (Eds.), Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research and Practice (pp. 221–244). Elsevier.



Some quotes from the above studies:

I actually had to use what I learned, and it worked. I felt strong and in control
"I feel I can take care of myself. I’m not afraid anymore
I’m not just a victim waiting to happen"
I’m stronger than I thought. Women are told we’re weak, but that’s just not true
I feel I have tools to protect myself



What are the 5 most common things that happen to women?


Studies and data show these five are often the pre-cursors to more serious incidents. 



Being followed is known to be a major pre-cursor to being attacked. This is true whether indoors at home in a domestic situation or a hotel or restaurant or bar. It also applies outdoors when commuting or heading to or leaving the car, or in the park or on the street or even the beach.

Being followed is a major pre-cursor to being attacked, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) - Crime Survey for England and Wales 2020; the Everyday Sexism Project; The Metropolitan Police - Crime Statistics; National Crime Victimization Survey; and the Bureau of Justice Statistics,


According to the ONS British Crime Survey, The Metropolitan Police Crime Statistics, and the National Intimate Partner Survey, A significant percentage of women experience being grabbed - which includes grabbing in public and domestic settings. This is often a precursor to more severe forms of physical or sexual violence.

From a self defence point of view it is essential to know how to escape these early grabbing situations to prevent the situation developing. Escaping early grabs is something Power For Women focus on to allow early escape and avoid a scenario escalating.


Being relocated, dragged/pushed to a different location is often reported in incidents of domestic violence as well as street assaults according to the ONS, The Home Office, The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program and others.

During assaults, victims are sometimes overpowered and moved or dragged away from the primary location, to create isolation and to cause disorientation. This allows further control by the perpetrator who can commit further offences. 

4. HIT

Physical assaults, being hit, whether punched, slapped, pushed, choked etc are a significant risk faced during a physical attack. They occur in public settings as well as private and workplace settings according to the ONS surveys and others. 


According to various data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the World Health Organisation and The Metropolitan Police women report significant instances of being physically restrained or overpowered during assaults. This includes being held down during physical or sexual assaults indoors and outdoors.

ONS data indicates that women report physical restraint during assaults, including being held down or confined in vehicles.

Being overpowered or pinned to the floor or a wall, or just being fully controlled by a more powerful man is something that women often report in the more serious cases.


There are simple yet powerful ways to counter these 5 pre-cursors and make them less effective.

In self defence our aim is to reduce the impact and effectiveness of these five. We want to avoid them. If we can't then we need to find ways to escape early. And if we still can't get away then we have to learn how to deal with the deep end too.

5 Effective and Easy-to-Learn Ways To Obstruct and Escape From The Very Start.  

The Fence position.

  • the most important stance in self defence
  • works as a deterrent whilst making you difficult to grab or hit.
  • obvious for passers-by to see you and call for help.
  • simple

If you're grabbed

  • you better get out quick
  • use simple and effective wrist releases for rapid escapes
  • make sure you know how to deal with clothes and hair grabs too

 If you hit the ground

  • anyone can fall.
  • or be taken down.
  • so what's the safest way to get off the floor?
  • answer - The Get Up!
  • a simple move that can be used by anyone
  • get from the floor to standing in about a second


If you're followed

  • you could find yourself being grabbed or strangled 
  • in our short course, Man Approaching From Behind, there is a simple and effective tactic used by the police, the military and self defence gurus that helps you take swift and effective action 

Learn to hit hard

  • As a woman you're not expected to have the  ability to hit hard
  • but you can. Hit very hard
  • it just takes a little knowledge of biomechanics and power delivery. Sounds complicated but it's not. We've coached hundreds of women and girls to hit harder for those times they need to be heard and felt. 

See us in action!

We conduct short bespoke courses that are suitable for most. 

Meet Team Power For Women


Chief Instructor & Visionary CEO

Former Met Police officer

BSc (Hons) Sport Science


Hafiz's Bio


CFO & Co-Founder

Fundamentals Self Defence Coach

NVQ Level 2 Teaching Assistant


Rahilla's Bio


Lead Coach

Accredited Boxing Coach & Bodyguard to various VIPs

Diploma Sports Studies 


Naveed's Bio


Partnerships Director 

BSc Sports Studies

Forer Met Police Community Support Officer

Coached by world ranked coaches 

Saeed's Bio

Previous and ongoing collabs:

We've worked with:

Some words about us...


"You will own real power and skills in women's self defence."

Sarah Clennell, Senior Pilates Tutor.


"These tactics and techniques are vital for all working women. We must own them."

Natasha Lawrence, HR Director.


"I have been kickboxing for a decade but I was amazed after just one session - I could punch and kick harder than ever before! "

Karolina Rozyn.




Work With Us

✔︎  Choose what fits you - tasters, workshops, exemplary short courses or lunch-and-learn

✔︎ in-person, online or hybrid delivery methods

Please feel free to get in touch and start a conversation with our Partnerships Director


Let us help you sooner rather than later. We are ready to go!

Get Your Employees Self Defence Superpowers

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